Kamis, 28 Mei 2015

My Top 5 Wes Anderson Movies

There are a lot of great movie directors for the recent decade and they have their own characters that could make us easier to distinguish their film. I didn't watch a lot movies so i only know just a few of them. Personally, i love movies that are directed by Wes Anderson, Michel Gondry, Tim Burton and Woody Allen. I can say that Michel Gondry is the most imaginative film director, all of his film will lead you to something unusual, weird, out of the box, full of illusion and dreams. While Tim Burton is the most commonly known director for " dark romance drama". If you prefer to "loveable cherish love drama" then i suggest you to watch the films by Woody Allen.

If it goes to the Wes Anderson, i could say that movies are directed by him have something remarkable and unique such as the quirky family life, unusual love, idiosyncratic friend and the dumb goals. You can find all of those things in Anderson's movie. Aside of those thing, Anderson has known to pick the same artist or actor to play in his film, you can find Bill Murray, Owen Wilson (Anderson's college mate), Luke Wilson, Jason Schwartzman and even Adrien Brody.

As a big fan, i have watched all of the films by Wes Anderson even a short films that were made by him. Perhaps you are interested to watch his movies, then i suggest you to watch this 5 movies first.  Here it is, my top 5 Wes Anderson movies.

5. The Grand Budapest Hotel

I personally think this is the most amusing film that was created by him. Telling a story about famous hotel in Europe during the World Wars and how Gustave becomes the heir of painting which is lead him to a battle with the family and yes, there is murder case ! Trust me, you won't be terrified, Anderson makes this as a funny murder case. Strange crimes happen in this incredible movie as strange as crime that has been done by 3 friends in Bottle Rocket (another Anderson movie). This is the first Anderson movie that i watched. Honestly, i never care about the director of the movies that i watched, so i didn't know Budapest was made by him. I just know it when i searched in internet regarding moonrise kingdom and surprisingly, both of them were made by the same director.

Favorite Quotes : 
Gustave : "Well, I've never been accused of that before, but i appreciate the sentiment."

4. Fantastic Mr. Fox

This is the only animated movie that was created by Anderson even if the original story comes from children book. Mr. Fox is a curious creature and he is fond of stealing even if he has already known that it would made him and his family into a danger. However, he is a cunning and clever fox, he really cares to his family and his friend. I really love the story of mr.fox vs 3 greedy men, it taught us to be wise in facing a problem.

Favorite Quotes : 
Mrs. Fox : "Why did you lie to me?"
Mr. Fox   : "Because I'm a wild animal."

 3. Moonrise Kingdom

This is the story of quirky love from unusual young couple with the strange family's background. From penpal becomes a lover, one of the story that tell us "love at first sight" exists and happens among us. I really love Sam, he is a genius, distinct, romantic and hard-worker. It's a simple story but full of quirky characters which is made it special. How could a young people know better about love than the old one? Always wanna be together, comprehend the problem of each other, accepting your love in their way, put your best effort to keep your love even if the world againts you are the major things that you will learn from the cute couple Sam and Suzy.

Favorite Quotes
Suzy  : "We're in love. We just want to be together. What's wrong with that?",
Suzy  : "I always wished i was an orphan. Most of my favorite characters are. I think your lives are 
             more special."
Sam  : "I love you, but you don't know what you're talking about."

2. Rushmore

Max is extraordinary student of Rushmore with a LOTS, trust me a LOTS extracurriculars or organizations, i barely can count how many extracurriculars he joined even if in the opening show us what kind of organizations he joined. Max is out-of-the box student, having a quirky goals with a unadorned and weird friends. I really love his friendship story with Herman who is older than him almost at the same age with his father. The reason why i really adore this movie is Max told me to find something i love to do then do it for the rest of my live, that's i call perpetual bliss. Moreover, Max is persistant, he will do anything to pursue his goal and lucky him he has Herman and Dirk who always help him. Thing gets complicated when Max and Heman fall in love with the same woman. This is the best part i thought. Herman and Max start a "battle" and revenge in unusual way and quite childish (if you're interested in unusual revenge i suggest you to watch The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou). However in the end, Max and Herman back to the their friendship life.

Favorite Quotes : 
Max : "The secret, i don't know, i guess you've gotta find something you love to do and then do it for             the rest of your life. For me, it's going to Rushmore."

1. The Royal Tenenbaums

The Royal Tenenbaums is a movie that after you watched it you extremely wanna be a tenenbaum. The Royal Tenenbaums is a story of quirky family and quirky love. The tenenbaums consist of Royal (father), Etheline (mother) and 3 children (Chas, Richie and Margot). Tenenbaums is a rich family since Royal is a succesful business man but unfortunately it's not that long, royal got divorce and all of his children left home, royal stay in hotel while Etheline stay in home. The story begins when royal was diagnosed has a teribble illness and he is dying. Well, yes he is sick but he's not dying but royal thinks that those reason probably could make him get closer to his family. So, he return to home and for some of reason all of his children also return to home. Aside of story of how Royal could make himself closer to his family, i think the love story between Margot and Richie is the best one. In the movie, Royal said that Margot is a foster child, so Richie thinks he could love Margot as a woman not as a sister even if at that time Margot has already married. Richie is an introvert, Margot is a unexpecting woman, she is unique, different, while Chas is a overproctective father for his children. 3 of them have a different characters that will make you realize how great Anderson in creating a movie. (You should watch The Darjeeling Limited if you like movies about quirky parents and children).

Favorite Quotes : 
Margot : "I think we're just gonna to have to be secretly in love with each other and leave it at that,

Rabu, 06 Mei 2015

MEW Live In Jakarta 2015

Happy graduation and welcome to holiday for me. Setelah stress akibat skripsi hal yang paling menyenangkan mungkin dengan menonton konser band favorit dan perfect timing karena the end of march tahun ini (31/03/15) MEW yang ke-3 atau ke-4 kalinya datang ke Indonesia untuk menghibur para Frengers Indonesia serta mempromosikan album baru mereka yang berjudul +- di Skeeno Hall Gandaria City, Jakarta. 

Jonas dkk membawakan sebanyak 16 lagu dan 3 di antaranya merupakan single dari album terbaru mereka (Satellites, My Complications, Water Slides). Konser dibuka dengan track ballad dari mereka "Coffee Break" dan kemudian dihentak dengan single terbaru dari album +- yang sepertinya sudah ditunggu-tunggu oleh para Frengers untuk dibawakan. Seketika "Satellites" menggema di seluruh penjuru Hall yang tak terlalu besar tapi cukup untuk menampung semua Frengers yang rindu akan performance band asal Denmark tersebut, Frengers kemudian sontak ikut bernyanyi bersama Jonas And I'd rather be a satellite than picking up the phone. Panggung yang tidak terlalu besar dan lighting yang sederhana cukup membuat saya takjub dengan performance mereka serasa nonton mv Satellites live.

Hal yang paling ditunggu-tunggu oleh seorang fans ketika nonton konser adalah lagu favorit mereka dinyanyikan sekitar 2-3 lagu setelah Satellites menghipnotis saya, MEW kemudian menyanyikan tembang favorit saya, BEACH ! 

Selang beberapa lagu, lampu di panggung kemudian dimatikan dan para personil MEW kembali ke belakang panggung "drama encore" pun dimulai, penonton menyuarakan "We Want More" sedangkan mungkin Jonas dkk dibelakang panggung cekikikan dengan drama yang mereka buat. Setelah "drama encore" yang agak panjang mereka kembali ke atas panggung dan menyanyikan single hits mereka Special, Zookeper Boy dan Comforting Sounds. MEW telah berhasil dengan sukses menghibur para fans mereka dengan total 16 lagu dan drama encore. Semoga MEW bisa datang lagi menghibur Frengers Indonesia, mungkin Makassar bisa jadi next destination?

Berikut Songlist mereka :
1. Coffee Break
2. Satellites
3. My Complications
4. Snow Brigade
5. Beach
6. Am I Wry ? No
7. 156
8. Silas The Magic Car
9. Hawaii
10. Apocalypso
11. Saviours of The Jazz Ballet
12. She Came Home for Christmas
13. Water Slides

14. Special
15. Zookeeper Boy
16. Comforting Sounds